Start-up rates begin to show signs of slowdown in most OECD countries in 2011
The OCED has released new data that indicates start-up rates of new firms fell precipitously in all OECD countries where data is available. In subsequent quarters, start-up rates began picking up, toward pre-crisis levels, but in recent quarters this momentum stalled. With few exceptions, start-up rates are once again beginning to show signs of a slowdown across the OECD. The most notable exception is Australia, where start-up rates continued to grow in the first and second quarter of 2011.
The Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme (EIP) was established in 2006 to improve the connection between data on entrepreneurship and economic growth, while building internationally comparable statistics on entrepreneurship and its determinants. The aim of the EIP is to create a durable, long-term programme of policy-relevant entrepreneurship statistics. As such, the work involves developing standard definitions and concepts and engaging countries and international agencies in the collection of data.